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  • Summary

  • Introduction

  • The history of the Cyprus problem until 1960

  • Cyprus’ ancient history

  • Cyprus under the rule of the Ottoman Empire

  • Cyprus under the control of the England

  • 1959-1960 Cyprus treaties and the legal status these treaties created

  • Zurich and London treaties

  • Content and legal nature of the agreements

  • The Cyprus problem since 1960

  • Turkey’s 1974 intervention

  • The establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

  • The Cyprus issue after 1990

  • The Annan Plan on  the Cyprus problem

  • The recent developments in the Cyprus  problem

  • Conclusion

  • References

  • Contact


The Cyprus issue is the main problem in Turkey and Greece relations. Cyprus is important because the island of Cyprus is close to Middle East oil and is an important geopolitical location between Europe, Asia and Africa continents. Greece’s expansionist policy on Cyprus stem from the idea of Enosis. Greece gave support to E.O.K.A. terrorist organization to realise the idea of Enosis. The embrace the idea of Enosis and by Greak leaders and the support they give to E.O.K.A. has  shaped the relationship between Turkey and Greece. Greece has to forgo Helen policy on Cyprus for the improved of relations between Turkey and Greece.


The Cyprus problem has historically been an international conflict that has not lose its topically ever since. The strategic importance of the island; the island of Cyprus is dominated by the Middle East oil’s transport routes, the island of Cyprus is dominated by Anatolia-Middle East- Suez Canal line, it can be used as a store of weapons in a war in the Middle East. Because of these reasons the island of Cyprus has led to international disputes.

An important reason for failing of solution to the Cyprus problem that has a lot of side. The island of Cyprus’ problem is between Turkish and Greek Cypriots living on the island, Turkey, Greece, Britian, the USA and Israel. The purpose of this report examines the island’s ancient history: Cyprus administration in the Ottoman period and the British domination; 1959-1960 Cyprus treaties and the legal status these treaties created; the Cyprus problem since 1960; Turkey’s 1974 intervention; the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; the Cyprus issue after 1990; the Annan Plan on the  Cyprus problem;and the recent developments in the Cyprus problem.

3.The History of the Cyprus Problem until 1960

The island of Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The importance of the island of Cyprus is due to the geographical location in the Mediterranean. It is a strategic objective. This situation is explained by reasons such as the island of Cyprus is dominated by the Middle East oil’s transport routes, the island of Cyprus is dominated by Anatolia- Middle East – Suez Canal line, it can be used as a store of weapons in a war in the Middle East and the prestigious in the Middle East derived by the government from the control of the island.”  ( Vatansever,2012:1488)

 *METİN AYAZ Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi SİBUL 

4.Cyprus’ Ancient History

The management of the island of Cyprus has changed several times. States that dominated the island of Cyprus respectively; Egyptians, Hittites, Dorians, Greeks having some colonies, the Phaenicions, Assyrions, Persions, Alexander the Great, Romans, Hrobs, Byzanties, British, Genoese, Mamelukes, Venice and Ottoman Empire.”(Vatansever,2012:1489)

The island of Cyprus was not under the domination of the political unity established in Greece. Some people living in Cyprus count Greeks themselves. This is due to language and religious unity.

5.Cyprus Under the Rule of Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire conguered the island of Cyprus in 1571.Turkish sovereignty on the island is established by law. Turkish sovereignty over the island lasted 307 years without interruption. Many Turkish families settled to Cyprus.

The first uprising against the Turkish government in the Cyprus has been provoked by the Greek. The Archbisshop was the leader of the rebellion.Britain played a very important role in the rebellion that shook the Ottoman rule in Cyprus..

After the war between Ottoman Empire and Tsarist Russia, Ottoman Empire had become quite powerless. Because of these reasons the manegement of the island has been temporarily transferred from Ottoman Empire to Britain( Cyprus Treaty).

6.Cyprus Under the Control of The England

England wanted to dominate the Cyprus to achieve trade and economic superiority in the Mediterranean. Cyprus is a connection between Britain’s colonies. Britain annexed Cyprus,at the end of the First World War. This annexation was approved by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey.

On 10 March 1925 King George, British crown colony turned the status of Cyprus. Thus, the high commissioner was abolished on the island. Cyprus was ruled as a British colony between 1925-1959.”(Vatansever,2012:1496)

The Greeks founded the dream of Enosis on the island.Enosis refers to the attachment of Cyprus to Greece.On 28 February 1947, Greece’s parliament took the decision to annex Cyprus.On 21 November 1949 the Greeks applied to the United Nation for Enosis.

Turkish Cypriots held two large rallies to protest developments in Cyprus. By the way, Makarios was elected as Archbishop in Cyprus.”(Vatansever,2012:1497)

After meetings at the United Nations General Assembly, the Assembely rejected that Greece demend for  self-determination. After this development, EOKA terrorist organization was founded in Cyprus. The purpose of the EOKA was realised the idea of Enosis.

Correspoing to the Enosis thesis of the Greeks in Cyprus,Cypriot Turks defended the seperation (Taksim)thesis.

Enosis:.Enosis  a movement for securing the political union of Greece and Cyprus

E.O.K.A. : A Greek-Cypriot  movement active in Cyprus in the 1950s and in the early 1970s, which fought for the independence of Cyprus from Britain and for its eventual union with Greece

Taksim Thesis: The purpose of Taksim thesis; the entire island of Cyprus is connected to Turkey.

England after the second World War, prepared in 1947, Lord Winster Plan; in 1955, I. Mac Millan Plan; in 1955, I. and II. Harding Plan; in 1956, Radeliff Plan; in 1958, II. Mac Millian Plan; and in 1958 Spook Plan. The purpose of these plans was to constituted an  autonomous administration in Cyprus. These plans were rejected by Greek Cypriots. In 1955, the first conference was held between Britain, Turkey and Greece in London. Turkey was separately defending self-determination for the two communities in Cyprus. But Greece advocated a  self-determination for a United Cyprus.”(Vatansever,2012:1498)

7.1959-1960 Cyprus  Treaties and  the Legal Status  These Treaties Created

The idea of independence of Cyprus emerged against Enosis and Taksim ideas. On 11 February 1959, Zurich Treaty and 19 February 1959, London Treaty were signed between the parties. Thus Cyprus was born as a  bicommunal Republic.

8.Zurich and London Treaties

On 5 February 1959 in Turkey and Greece’s Prime Ministers( Menderes and Karamanlis) and Foreign Ministers (Zorlu and Averoff) signed Zurich Treaty  on 11 February 1956.Zurich Treaty; consist “Agreements with the Basic Structure of the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus ” ; “The Treaty of Alliance”; “Warranty Treaty”. Britain has not signed this treaty. Britain are required to sign the treaty for have the status of Cyprus’ independence. Upon this that London Treaty was signed on February 19, 1959.(Toluner, 1977: 73)

London Treaty known as the Nicosia Treaties since on August 16, 1960.(Toluner, 1977: 73) Cyprus government is founded on the existence and equality of two communities. (Vatansever,2012:1501)

9.Content and Legal Nature of the Treties

Cyprus government is founded on the existence and equality of two communities. The two communities on the island are equal and partner status. Several articles of the Treaty: Cyprus government is a Republic, will be managed by a Presidential Regime. President will be a Greek Cypriot ,Vice President will be a Turkish. Council of Ministers consist of seven Greek and three Turkish members.

Cypriot government will cooperate fully with this treaty with England. In addition, all parties of treaty will defend Cyprus jointly.

Executive authority will be the president and  vice-president. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defense and Finance Ministries will be given at least one to Turkish competent. (Toluner,1977:76-79)

10.The Cyprus Problem since 1960

  • To Eliminate the Republic of Cyprus

Greek leader Makarios has made some activites to eliminate the 1960 Treaties.On 30 November 1963, Makarios submitted a proposal to amend article 13 of the Constitution of Cyprus. This proposal would reduced the Turkish Cypriot minority status and was rejected by Turkey and Turkish Cypriot. Whereupon, Akritas Plan has been adopted by the Greeks and began ‘bloody Nobel’ genocide operations on December 21, 1963. In addition, partnership Republic scattered. Nicosia is divided by what is known as  “green line” border. The purpose of this border is provide a security. Green line control was carried out by the Britain. The Green line was a prelude to the establishment of two seperate manegement in Cyprus. (Toluner,1977:106-107)

In 1964, Turkish government appealed to the United Nations Security Council against too many Greek attacks. On 4 March 1964, Security Council took the decision to establish “ United Nations Peacekeeping” and sent to the island. (Resolution 186) (Toluner,1977:240-242)

“On 15 November 1967 Greek army under the leadership of Grivas attacted the Gecitkale and Bogazici villiages. Upon this, Turkish warplanes and fleets have been moved to Cyprus.Grand National Assembly of Turkey took decided to fight,if the attacks continued. Greek and Greek Cypriot were removed from the place they occupied over this response. On 27 December 1967, “Temporary Turkish Government” was declared in Cyprus. After a while, Turkish Management to emerged  a federal government was established.

Dr.Fazıl Kucuk became the first head of the menagement. After the elections in 1973, Rauf Denktas replaced him’’(Vatansever,2012:1514)

 11.Turkey’s 1974 Intervention

In 1974,  coup was made  against President Makarios to unite the island with Greece.On  15 July 1974, Nikos Sampson was brought to power. In 1974, Turkey intervened on the basis of the agreement establishing the Republic of Cyprus. On July 22, Turkish troops seized Kyrenia. But the same evening, the Nicosia- Kyrenia line are combined on The United Nations Security Council’s ceasefire resolution. Following this intervention, Greek junta and

Sampson’s task was terminated. Klerides was brought to power.

Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, England’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Greece’s Minister of Foreign Affairs joined 1.Geneva Conference conducted between 25-30 July. Turkey’s intervention was deemed to be justified. Also in Geneva protocol has been recognized  the existence of two different wills including Turkey and Greek in Cyprus. (Toluner,1977:285-292)

On August 8-12; 1974, parties could not get a result from 2.Geneva conference. Upon this, Turkey intervened in Cyprus for the second time on Agust 14, 1974. The Turkish Republic of Nothern Cyprus’ boundaries were drawn. Following this intervention, US applied arms embargo  to Turkey in 1975. ( Vatansever,2012: 1516)

12.The Establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Temporary Turkish Cypriot administration founded the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus on February 13, 1975. Later through the United Nations in Cyprus that is made population exchanged to placed.Does the Turkish Cypriot population of the island gathered within definded borderies for the first time in history and preserve their existence. (Toluner,1977: 352-361)

On 15 November 1983, the Turkish side ,using, the right of self-determination,has established a free and independent Turkish state and this event was announced to the whole world by Turkish side. Thus, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was established.The first state to recognized the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was Turkey. Britain immediately brought  this issue to the UN Security Council. On 18 November 1983 by the decision No.541 of the Security Council wanted to disavowel to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus from all states. Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has  faced international sanctions. ( Vatansever,2012:1518-1519)

13.After the 1990 the Cyprus Issue

In 1990, Greek Cypriot administration  applied for full membership of the European Union for representing the entire island. This situation  made the problem of Cyprus more complicated since . On 1 May 2004, Greek side as been a member of the European Union with the title of the Republic of Cyprus.

Turkey signed Custom Union Treaty in 1995.Subsequently,Turkey would have to deal with a country that it did not recognize.

14.The Annan Plan on  the Cyprus Problem

Secratary General of the United Nations Annan  has called for talks with leaders of the two side. This negatiations were negotive. In 2001, Rauf Denktas wrote a letter to the Greek leader Clerides for overtunes. The meetings started on January 2002 and the comprehensive settlement plan drafted by Annan was approved. (Denktas, 2001: Vatansever,2012:1521) Sovereignty which is indispensable for Turkish Cypriots was not included in the Annan Plan.

An important point in the plan; failure to clarify the status of the Turkish Cypriot. The Annan Plan has been amended five times and provided on both sides of the island to seperate referenda. 64.9% of the Turkish Cypriot yes, 75.8% of the Greek Cypriot no votes were used and the plan has not been implemented.

15.The Recent Developments in the Cyprus Problem

European Union countries prepared a text under the title “ common position document” to begin negotiations with Turkey in 2005. According to this document, Turkey will eliminate the strategic asset. But the Turkish government has not signed this document. Upon this European Union membership negotiations with Turkey were halted in progress. (Toluner,1977:400)

In 2008, After negotiations between Talat and Christofias, the two leaders  confirmed bicommunal federation commitment. The two leaders  had the same idea to have a federal government one international identity.( Vatansever,2012: 1523-1524)

Greek section signed “exclusive economic zone delimination agreement” with  Egypt, Lebanon and Israel. With this agreements, the Greeks began to share the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Greek side has initiated the Eastern Mediterranean oil and natural gas. Upon this “Continental Shelf Delimination Agreement” signed between Turkey and TRNC. (Vatansever,2012: 1525)


The island of Cyprus from 1571 until 1878 remained under the Ottoman rule. But with the entry of Cyprus to the British protectore that Cyprus problem began in the international arena. The Cyprus issue is the main problem in Turkey and Greece relations. Cyprus is important because the island of Cyprus is close to Middle East oil and is an important geopolitical location between Europe, Asia and Africa continents. Greece’ expansionist policy on Cyprus stem from the idea of Enosis. Greece gave support to E.O.K.A terrorist organization to  realize the idea of Enosis. Corresponding to the Enosis thesis of the Greaks in Cyprus, Cypriots Turks defended the seperation (Taksism)thesis.The embrace the idea of Enosis and by Greak leaders and the support they give to E.O.K.A.

The Republic of Cyprus was established by the Zurich and London treaties signed in 1960. In 1974, organized by the Cyprus peace operation by Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus(TRNC) has been  drown border. The TRNC was established in 1983. But Turkey only recognized the TRNC. Upon this many solutions have been offered by United Nations, but they had failed.

In 2005, the Greek government was a full member of the European Union. After these events, the European Union  asked Turkey to withdrow from Cyprus to enter Turkey in the European Union. This has been a prerequisite.

In conclusion, we would say that the real issue in Cyprus is to create environment where the two communities live together in harmony.


  • Toluner, Sevin.Kıbrıs Uyuşmazlığı ve Milletlerarası Hukuk( Cyprus Dispute and International Law.)(1977). İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi.(Istanbul University Fakulty of Law).


Metin AYAZ

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü

Political Science and International Relations at Muğla University


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